Economic Statecraft: Options for Reducing U.S. Overdependence on Chinese-supplie...
April 24th, 2020Gabriel B. Collins and Andrew S. Erickson, Economic Statecraft: Options for Reducing U.S. Overdependence on Chinese-supplied Materials and Medications (Houston, TX: Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University, 23…
Pandemic and Price War: Early Energy Market Insights From the 2019-2020 Wuhan Co...
March 20th, 2020Download full slide deck Gabriel Collins, “Pandemic and Price War: Early Energy Market Insights From the 2019-2020 Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak,” China SignPost Research Presentation, 20 March…
China’s Public Hospital Governance Reforms are Setting the Stage for Corporati...
January 26th, 2015With appropriate legal and policy support, corporatization could begin within the next 2-3 years. Key Points: –China’s public hospital reform experiments thus far have laid a…
Physician, Heal Thyself: Modest Expectations in Order for China’s Reforms as ...
October 23rd, 2014President Xi Jinping’s vigorous promotion of new policy paths is colliding with powerful vested interests. China’s leaders appear to know what economic reforms are needed, but…
Internal Challenge: China’s diabetes epidemic highlights how rising healthcare...
May 31st, 2011As analytical attention (including a substantial portion of ours) focuses on China’s growing military power and economic influence, both in East Asia and further afield, it…