What If China Ceases To Be The Global “Oil Consumer of Last Resort?”
November 13th, 2019Gabriel Collins,” What If China Ceases To Be The Global ‘Oil Consumer of Last Resort?‘ China SignPost™ (洞察中国) 100 (13 November 2019) What happens to the…
China’s Rare Earth Dominance: How Usable a Weapon?
June 7th, 2019As Washington and Beijing brace for a protracted trade war, Chinese sources increasingly discuss the potential for weaponizing the Middle Kingdom’s major mineral advantage: rare earth…
China SignPost Co-Founder Quoted in CNN Report on China-US Faceoff in Djibouti
May 31st, 2019Direct Link to Article “… Collins, founder of China SignPost, said soft power has long been a distinguishing feature of US foreign policy, and the current…
China’s Gasoline Demand Growth: Are We Seeing The Early Stages of a Structural...
April 24th, 2019Gabriel Collins, “China’s Gasoline Demand Growth: Is Recent Deceleration Near-Term Noise or Early Stages of a Structural Shift?,” Baker Institute Research Presentation, March 2019, https://www.bakerinstitute.org/media/files/files/147628cc/ces-collins-china-gasoline-demand-032819.pdf