A Maritime Oil Blockade Against China—Tactically Tempting but Strategically Fl...
March 28th, 2018Summary: The political, economic, and financial aspects of sustaining an oil blockade against China mean that even a militarily successful blockader could find its political, economic,…
Unlocking World-Class Insights Into China’s Naval Shipbuilding Program
March 6th, 2017While the Trump Administration plans a naval buildup, China has already been executing on its own naval expansion for years and continues to qualitatively and quantitatively…
China’s Daring Vanguard: Introducing Sanya City’s Maritime Militia
November 6th, 2015Andrew S. Erickson and Conor M. Kennedy, “China’s Daring Vanguard: IntroducingSanya City’s Maritime Militia,” Center for International Maritime Security, 5 November 2015. The following is the first…
China Hopes Foreign Investors Can Help Fund Its Naval Buildup
September 9th, 2015Gabe Collins, The Diplomat, 9 September 2015 China’s military shipbuilders – now the world’s most prolific builders of large surface combatants and submarines – are leading a…
The Type 054/054A Frigate Series: China’s Most Produced and Deployed Large Mo...
August 2nd, 2015By Morgan Clemens, Gabe Collins, and Kristen Gunness Executive Summary and Key Points This report discusses the evolution of the Type 054/054A frigates (FFGs) by examining…
How Much Do China’s Warships Actually Cost?
June 20th, 2015Gabe Collins, The Diplomat, 18 June 2015 What does it actually cost Chinese naval shipyards to build major warships? Chinese sources do not disclose actual or estimated…