Saudi Arabia May Boost Oil Production to Punish Russia, Creating Buying Opportun...
October 5th, 2015Original Article Gabe Collins, “Russian Intervention In Syria Could Drive Crude Prices Deep Into The $30s,” OilPro, 5 October 2015. http://oilpro.com/post/19057/russian-intervention-syria-could-drive-crude-prices-deep-into-30s With Russia acting impulsively, it sometimes…
Peaking Prematurely? China Commodity Peaks May Emerge Sooner Than Expected
July 27th, 2015Peak China? Not yet. Peak Party? No. Peaks in demand for, and production of, specific commodities? You bet! Here’s our take… For much of the period…
China Peak Oil: 2015 Is the Year
July 7th, 2015Gabe Collins, The Diplomat, 7 July 2015 Intense focus on the North American shale boom, Saudi Arabia, and ISIS obscures an important emerging energy trend: China’s…
Volkswagen’s China Dealership Expansions Suggest Substantial Upside for Contin...
December 17th, 2014China’s passenger car sales volumes have been strong thus far in 2014, with roughly 15% YoY growth between January and November 2014. Gasoline demand has followed…
Gasoline, Natural Gas, and Aluminum are Bright Spots for China Commodity Demand ...
December 12th, 2014Gasoline, natural gas, and aluminum are China’s commodity demand bright spots so far in 2014—amidst a significant downturn in consumption of key basic materials, namely coal,…
King Coal Reigns: North America’s Shale Gas Boom Will Force China to Continue ...
February 21st, 2014Key Points Unless Chinese industrial consumers use low-cost coal, they will likely not be competitive in the export market with their global peers in North America…