China’s Daring Vanguard: Introducing Sanya City’s Maritime Militia
November 6th, 2015Andrew S. Erickson and Conor M. Kennedy, “China’s Daring Vanguard: IntroducingSanya City’s Maritime Militia,” Center for International Maritime Security, 5 November 2015. The following is the first…
Saudi Arabia May Boost Oil Production to Punish Russia, Creating Buying Opportun...
October 5th, 2015Original Article Gabe Collins, “Russian Intervention In Syria Could Drive Crude Prices Deep Into The $30s,” OilPro, 5 October 2015. http://oilpro.com/post/19057/russian-intervention-syria-could-drive-crude-prices-deep-into-30s With Russia acting impulsively, it sometimes…
China Hopes Foreign Investors Can Help Fund Its Naval Buildup
September 9th, 2015Gabe Collins, The Diplomat, 9 September 2015 China’s military shipbuilders – now the world’s most prolific builders of large surface combatants and submarines – are leading a…
The Type 054/054A Frigate Series: China’s Most Produced and Deployed Large Mo...
August 2nd, 2015By Morgan Clemens, Gabe Collins, and Kristen Gunness Executive Summary and Key Points This report discusses the evolution of the Type 054/054A frigates (FFGs) by examining…
Peaking Prematurely? China Commodity Peaks May Emerge Sooner Than Expected
July 27th, 2015Peak China? Not yet. Peak Party? No. Peaks in demand for, and production of, specific commodities? You bet! Here’s our take… For much of the period…
Djibouti Likely to Become China’s First Indian Ocean Outpost
July 11th, 2015China is now laying the diplomatic and legal foundations for a long-term naval presence in Djibouti, with a range of recent media reports alleging that Beijing…